Biblical worship is important to the saints of Antioch. We believe that to properly worship holy God, we must be right in our walk with Him. This comes from a Bible-centered life where the saint of God has spent time diligently studying the Word of God daily throughout the week. Worship derives its motivation out of a response from the redeemed person to the truth declared in God's Word. The redemption from sin and the process of sanctification in the life of the saint will result in a biblically centered life that will, when gathered with other saints in congregational fellowship, generate godly worship on Sunday.
At Antioch we follow the regulative principle of worship. We believe that God has ordained worship to be orderly and reflect His gospel message in all of its aspects. So, we have designed our worship service to do just that: reflect the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you visit you will of course be presented with the gospel in the expository preaching of God's Word (which is the central focus of the worship), but even in the order of service, you will perceive the gospel being presented. Here is an example of the elements of our order of service:
Revelation - God reveals Himself to the elect
Adoration - We adore Him upon this revelation
Confession - We confess our sin
Propitiation - He forgives our sin
Proclamation - The Word of God is proclaimed/preached
Dedication - We dedicate ourselves to God's Word
Communion - We experience communion with God and each other
Commission - God sends us out to tell others about the Savior Jesus
We believe this best enables us to represent God's Word in our gathering each Sunday, and we joyfully follow Christ in loving obedience as we worship Him!

Our Music Team:
Pianist: Gloria Sampson
Drummer: Cody Carpenter